- Spark - Balance - Evolve

- Spark - Balance - Evolve

What might a session with me be like?

I offer a FREE half hour call to connect and feel into what you want.

We open safe space, whether online or in-person, and invite an opening into the centre of the psyche/body. Sometimes this in itself is enough to access your processes and flow, and become aware of any arising knots.

Sometimes more encouragement and time is needed. Generally six sessions is enough but it is is your choice.

Once we have accessed flow we are in relationship and this gives us the opportunity to heal, balance and get to know the core, our true nature. From here we notice the old patterns that we want to evolve from.

We will use sound, movement, the senses, insight and ecstatic energy to balance what arises into awareness.

As we are all co-creators of our reality we can come fully into this responsibility with the deep joy of being magically human. No need to hold back once we have worked through what has wounded and inhibited us. Instead with happiness, we can use the energy of the trapped patterns of pain and anxiety to see them as the opportunities for evolution that they truly are.

“I was looking for someone to help me process and deal with my anxiety which had flared up significantly in 2019. I had become frustrated with traditional therapists / medical experts because they seemed to advise the same things namely more medication, keeping busy to distract, exercise and diet. I found meditation very helpful in my recovery and along the way I was drawn to Zen meditation. It was along this path that I was introduced to Dainei. I have found the work we have done together very rewarding and I have gained some real insight into the core areas that are and maybe generating my anxieties. Doing this at an appropriate pace and with support from Dainei has helped me be present with these feelings and thoughts and better understand them. It can be frustrating and confusing in the beginning as you are essentially doing the opposite to what most mental health practitioners recommend i.e. encouraging the difficult sensations and thoughts to come up. My advice is to be patient and, with some persistence and resilience, it will generate positive results. I still have further to go but I feel positive about this now and a large part of this is down to the help and support I have received from Dainei.” Richard Nelson

“Through working with Dainei as a newcomer to this area I believe we have established contact with aspects of myself that are very live. Working in this way during daily life has given me greater access to investigate my vulnerabilities, through reading my body and atmosphere when holding a space. How this vulnerability interplays with many other areas such as creativity / expression during daily life is fascinating to me. Previously this is work I thought of as "more power to others for doing it but maybe it's not for me". However Dainei's patience to move at my pace, allowing things to come up in their own way is very tactful and I greatly appreciate this..” Patrick Leahy

“I saw Dainei Tracy for online counselling and support in 2021 when I was suffering with depression brought on by an inability to deal with obsessive thoughts. Her help has been absolutely vital in enabling me to overcome these problems. She is kind, considerate, thoughtful and empowering. Her approach is to be a guide who subtly prompts you to take the lead in exploring your own feelings. Slowly but surely, she enables you to travel deeply into your psyche and uncover the real causes of the difficulties that you are experiencing. This can be cathartic and transformative.

I very strongly recommend Dainei..” Dr (Professor Emeritus) D_Applebaum